For the expense claim, you can have three types of limit
- Transaction Limit – This is to set the limit for each submission.
- Monthly limit – This is to set a monthly limit for the category.
- Yearly limit – This is to set a yearly limit for the category.
For monthly and yearly limit, it can set per selected category. If "Limit By Person" is selected, the limit will be calculated per selected category based on the submitter.
Here are the steps by step to set expense claim limit:
- Go to claim application.
- From the menu, go to Admin > Claim Setting.
- Click on the Edit button for the claim category to be edited.
- At the Transaction Limit, Monthly Limit or Yearly Limit, you can fill up the limit as per the company policy. By default it is set as 0 for no limit.
- Save the document.
If the limit is set. when the employee create a expense claim form and select the category, the limit will be shown on the form.