
It is highly recommended you setup the leave before creating the employee. When you create an employee, the employee's leave profiles are automatically generated based on leave policy. You would like the leave profile created correctly, refer to this Quickstart guide - Leave on how to setup the leave application.

Here are the steps by steps to create employee:

  1. Go to directory application.
  2. On the Employee Directory, click on "Add Employee".
  3. Fill up the form
    Basic Information (view by Everyone)
    Employee ID

    A unique identifier for a person.
    NameYesEmployee name.
    YesA unique identifier for a person. You can not use the same email address even in a different instance. Check on No Email if the employee does not have email. Employees without email are no able to login into the system. Administrator shall apply leaves on their behalf.

    ManagerYesPerson approves the employee’s leave request.
    Substitute Manager
    Person approves the employee’s leave request.
    Job Title


    Employment TypeYes
    Employment StatusYesRefer to this article - Understand employment status.
    Join DateYes

    The joined date is used to calculate employee's anniversaries and length of service in the directory report.

    Work DayYes
    Refer to this article - Role-based access control.
    Personal Information (view by Admin, Malaysia Payroll, Self)
    NRIC No.

    Date of Birth

    You can track the list of employee birthday at the directory report.
    Passport No.



    State / Province



    Residence Status

    Marital Status

    Family Information (view by Admin, Malaysia Payroll, Self)
    This section allows HR to keep employee's family record such as parent, spouse, and children.
    Emergency Contact (view by Admin, Self)
    It is essential to know who is an emergency contact.
    Qualification (view by Admin, Self)

    You can store the employee's education qualification here.

    Certification / License / Contract (view by Admin, Self)
    You do not need to keep track expiration dates for certifications, license and contract in different spreadsheets. Store all the data here, and you can easily keep track of expiration dates using the certification, license and contract report. 
  4. Save the document, and and welcome email will send to the employee.